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SmartWare for Magicians and Magic Collectors
SmartWare is a must have app for any magician or magic collector who wants or needs to be able to organize, track and search all of the tricks, props and supplies they have.
The SmartWare app will become your single repository for all of that information you have lying around on post-it notes and note pads that you can't seem to find when you need it.
Trick tracking data includes the trick name, what you paid, when you bought the trick, music used during performance, patter, load items, supplies needed, etc. SmartWare also has a practice timer and practice log that is organized by trick. You can even set up and organize your close-up cases and gig bags.
SmartWare provides an interface for creating, building and organizing routines. Routine tracking information includes the routine name, the equipment, tools and gear needed. Also the tricks that make up the routine displayed in the sequence you define. This can be done for stage, platform, close-up or walk-around, etc. Of course these categories are customizable.
A robust interface for generating semi-customizable quotes and invoices is provided, as well as, an up-sell area for organizing items or add-ons for your show. Once set up, these can then be linked to your routines and are automatically made available when building a quote during a phone conversation with your potential client. Don’t leave money on the table!
Much of the data may be entered with voice to text. A huge time saver when entering large blocks of text for patter or notes about a particular trick or routine.
SmartWare is almost totally customizable to your particular needs and performing venue. The information can be out-put to your printer via wifi or emailed in pdf format.
You’ll be amazed at all of the capabilities that have been thoughtfully crafted into SmartWare… the next step in magic apps.